5 Unexpected Things That Happen When you Quit Your Day Job
Entrepreneur, Life Improvement, Motivation June 8, 2017
You did it! You are a complete and utter badass. You took the plunge, the leap of faith and left…
Telling your inner critic to Shut the F&^% up!
Life Improvement, Self Help August 19, 2016
I can’t go a day without getting really intimate with inner critics. My client’s inner critics, my friend’s inner critics……
Do NOT let the New Year come and go without doing this!
Life Improvement, Motivation December 30, 2015
I just did a massive review of this past year. It was beautiful. It was messy. It was painful. It…
Permission to Play
Life Improvement November 1, 2015
Yesterday was Halloween. A magical time at the end of October where the veil thins and adults let themselves dress…
Why Do We Wear Social Masks? And How to Tear Off the Mask and Be Your Authentic Self
Life Improvement, Self Discovery October 31, 2015
Happy Halloween!!! Halloween is a favorite holiday for many adults and children alike. We all love the playful notion of…